What Job Skills Are In Demand for Work from Home Jobs in Malaysia?

Although there are many similarities between jobs that are done in-person and those that are conducted remotely, having specific skills can give you an advantage when applying for such positions, so make sure to focus on honing them.

What Skills Are In High Demand in Malaysia?

With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Malaysia––particularly the once-bustling Kuala Lumpur sector––has suffered severe losses. According to Ipsos, nearly 10% of the country's entire population (which is 31.95 million citizens) lost their job, while 74% of Malaysians felt increased stress and anxiety regarding job security. Nevertheless, many areas of business in Malaysia have recovered quickly. As a result, a great number of people are now searching for full-time work. To stand out amid the competition, you must know about the most sought- after jobs and skills in Malaysia in 2023. Explore our lists of the most in-demand skills and jobs in the country to get an idea of what you need to be successful.

Top 5 Highest-Paying Jobs in Malaysia for Fresh Graduates

There are distinctions between the highest-paying jobs in Malaysia for those who have recently graduated and the highest-paying jobs in Malaysia overall. If you have recently graduated and looking to earn a high salary, here are five of the best jobs to consider.

Top 5 Highest-Paying Industries in Malaysia

If you're undecided on which career path to take but want to earn a good salary, you can start by exploring the five most lucrative industries in Malaysia.
