Brickfields Asia College (BAC)


There is nothing quite like it. Five colleges and a university college offering eight very specialised areas of study – all relevant and all designed to transform you into a global graduate!

Welcome to the BAC Education Group! If you’ve come this far in your search for the best qualifications, you would have discovered that in this enriched ecosystem of colleges, you have so much choice! Whether it is from Brickfields Asia College, IACT College, Reliance, College, DIKA College, or Veritas University College, you have the choice of programmes of study that range from Pre-U to Law to Business to Digital Media, Design & Communications to Technology & Innovation to Hospitality, Culinary & Tourism to Early Childhood to Psychology! And each of the qualifications are specialised, focused and future-ready.

Specific details

Achievements BAC has been offering a wide variety of programmes, with a proven track-record of producing excellent results and dynamic students!
Not only have we carved a name in educational excellence, the BAC Education Group has been creating an impact through its many community efforts and initiatives throughout the nation.
2020: The ASEAN Business Award for Combating COVID-19
2020: The BrandLaureate Best Brand in Legal Education (BAC)
2020: The BrandLaureate Best Brand in Education-Hospitality (Reliance College)
2020: The BrandLaureate Best Brand in Education -Creativity & Innovation (IACT )
2020 & 2021: The grandiose BrandLaureate Best Brand in Online Education (Veritas University College)
2020-21: The Asia One Global Indian of the Year Award to Raja Singham, Chairman of BAC Education Group
2021: The Malaysia Technology Enterprise Award for Online Services – Education (BAC)
Courses A Level Programmes
"Cambridge A Level Arts
Cambridge A Level Science"

Foundation Programmes:
"Foundation in Law, Brickfields Asia College
Foundation in Business, Brickfields Asia College
Foundation in Digital Technology, Brickfields Asia College
Foundation in Media Studies, IACT College
Foundation in Hospitality, Reliance College
Foundation in Arts (Conventional), Veritas University College
Foundation in Arts (ODL), Veritas University College
Foundation in Science (Conventional), Veritas University College"

Diploma Programmes:
"Diploma in Mass Communication, IACT College
Diploma in Graphic Design, IACT College
Diploma in Marketing & Advertising, IACT College
Diploma in Broadcasting & Film, IACT College
Diploma in Business Management, Reliance College
Diploma in Hotel & Tourism Management, Reliance College
Diploma in Event Management, Reliance College
Diploma in Early Childhood Education, Veritas University College (Conventional)
Diploma in Early Childhood Education, Veritas University College (ODL)"

